Residential metal roofing systems have grown in demand, as consumers look to find a more durable option for protecting their homes. While metal roofing has been used for centuries, in recent years it has jumped to second in popularity only to asphalt shingles. Asphalt’s lower cost contributes to its popularity and wide usage, however there are five typical consumer desires and pain points to consider when deciding on a roofing system: beauty, cost, value, security and longevity.
5 Points to Consider
Briarwood Shake Roofing
Beauty – Do you realize that your roof makes up about 60% of the exterior appearance of your house–that’s a big portion of the curb appeal! Do you want your home to be attractive and stand out amongst others in the neighborhood? Do you want to take pride in the appearance and the image your home projects? The first thing to note is that metal can and will enhance the beauty of home home. Asphalt shingles can lose their good looks quickly—since they are granular and porous, they can retain moisture, allowing mold, algae and black streaks to form. Extreme temperatures may cause asphalt to crack, and high winds can leave shingles littering the yard. Metal roofing, on the other hand, inherently protects against these issues–its galvanized surface repels moisture to prevent mold growth and reflects the heat that causes other materials to warp or crack. It’s available in a variety of beautiful colors and patterns, and it pairs well with any architectural style. Best of all, it will retain its beauty for years.
Cost – The purchase and installation of a metal roofing system are more expensive than asphalt; that’s just a fact, however consider the life cycle of the roof. Lets go on a journey from front-end cost to return on investment. An asphalt shingle roof is the less expensive option upfront, saving thousands of dollars initially, but its life span is 15-20 years at best. If you replace it with another asphalt roof you will pay that initial cost again, plus additional for inflation in material and labor cost. In that same amount of time, a metal roof has been bought and paid for, is still going strong and will last many more years. Think of it this way–some people wouldn’t even balk at spending $40,000 on a new pickup truck, which will depreciate as soon as it’s driven off the lot. If you are willing to spend that on a vehicle, why not spend that amount on a durable and long-lasting roof that protects your home for decades?
Value – Metal roofing provides value by saving homeowners money. According to the Metal Roofing Alliance, metal is highly energy-efficient and can save a homeowner up to 40% in energy costs. A metal roof panel is typically finished with a reflective and emissive coating that keeps it cool, re-emits absorbed solar radiation and reduces energy consumption, so the homeowner isn’t paying exorbitant heating or cooling bills. The strength and durability of a metal roof can save money on insurance premiums as well. And a long-lasting metal roof increases a home’s resale value.
Security – A metal roof has you covered, literally. Would a soldier go into battle with substandard armor? Certainly not; they suit up with the best possible personal protective gear. Metal roofing systems are like body armor for your home, protecting it from damaging hail, heavy rain and high winds. Most systems are designed to meet strict building codes and pass windspeed and fire testing. Metal roofs perform exceptionally well at protecting your home, your personal items and your possessions from damage or loss due to severe weather.
Longevity – Metal roofing is durable enough to last a lifetime and retain its good looks the whole way through. Many metal roofing warranties guarantee 50-plus years, while asphalt and other materials deteriorate, crack, break and become discolored in just a decade or two. Another great reason to choose metal is sustainability–roofing panels are often manufactured using recycled steel or aluminum, and the panels themselves can be recycled instead of ending up in a landfill. This means metal has an enduring life cycle, and that’s important to environmentally conscious customers.